On average, an Astym treatment session is around 15-30 minutes depending on your injury or condition. Most conditions resolve after 4-5 weeks of treatment and therapy.
Astym therapy helps countless people each day. However, whether it is right for you can only be determined by your healthcare providers. It’s important to be properly evaluated by a trusted medical professional and consult with them before deciding on a course of treatment. Search your city or zip code and contact an Astym Certified provider in your area to see if Astym therapy is right for you.
The treatment you receive should always be within your tolerance, and you should talk with your certified provider and be honest about your experience – that will help you get the best results.
While some treatments focus on misguided attempts to mechanically break apart scar tissue, Astym treatment focuses on activating the regenerative mechanisms of the body by using scientifically developed protocols to engage the body to resorb problematic scar tissue and stimulate healing of soft tissues.
If your insurance plan includes physical and occupational therapy, Astym therapy should be covered by your insurance. If your plan does not include physical and occupational therapy, talk with your therapist about other payment options.
All Astym Certified clinicians are required to go through advanced education and the certification process in order to provide Astym therapy to their patients. We keep a full directory of Astym Certified providers on our website. In addition, all certified therapists use specially designed instruments labeled with the “Astym” logo. Most of these instruments are blue, but some are transparent.
If you have a local therapist or physician that you would like us to help you educate on Astym therapy, please send us their contact information, and we will follow up with them and encourage a therapist to attend an Astym certification course. Physicians often ask the therapists they work with to become certified in Astym therapy.
In the meantime, newly certified therapists are frequently added to our growing list of providers. Please check back regularly on the Find a Provider page of our website.
It is important to be properly evaluated by a trusted healthcare professional to obtain the right diagnosis and then consult with those professionals before deciding on the best course of treatment for you and your specific situation.
To talk about recovery plan options, we recommend contacting an Astym Certified provider to learn more. Click here to contact an Astym Certified provider near you.
Currently, most of Astym therapy providers are concentrated in the United States, since this is where the treatment originated. Although training courses are usually held in the US, international therapists are welcomed to attend these courses.
For your specific condition, please contact a provider near you and talk with them about pricing and plans available for you.
Schedule an appointment with an Astym Certified provider to find out if Astym therapy is right for you.
Hutchinson, KS | March 8-9, 2025 (OPEN-LIMITED SPOTS)
Wichita, KS | June 7-8, 2025 (RESERVED-CONFLUENT ONLY)
Camas, WA | June 7-8, 2025 (OPEN-LIMITED SPOTS)
Not a course near you? Sign up to never miss out on an Astym course near you or contact us to see if you qualify for on-site training to minimize time out of the clinic and travel expenses.
Blended Learning
Online work before live course
8 hours/day for in-person portion
6-10 hours to complete online work
Eligible for up to 29.25 CEUs
1:1 exams with instructors via Zoom
Access for 60 days
Up to 28 hours to complete
Eligible for up to 28 CEUs
The value of the Astym Certification remains the same whether a clinician has been certified through our hybrid learning experience or our online course experience. Both educational opportunities require intensive online training and interactive practical exams with an Astym Certified Instructor.