09 Jun Astym Resolved My Foot Pain: I’ll Drink the Kool-Aid
I was restricted and had limited activity due to ongoing pain from extreme chronic tendon stress on my left foot. Over several months, I was treated by three doctors, wore a restriction boot for months and surgery was recommended. At long last, I found my way to Amy Goddard at Goddard Sports Therapy and WOW, what a difference Astym made to my life.
There was a big improvement after just a few treatments, and then I was able to return to my normal active life which includes a daily two-mile walk and wearing fashionable shoes. I’m a fan and big believer. I often share with Amy and other clients — ‘I’m an Astym believer and will happily drink the Astym Kool-Aid; it works!’
Helen, Astym Patient
Coppell, Texas
Clinic: Goddard Orthopedic & Sports Therapy