15 Feb Astym Therapy Really Works
Yes this works! Three knee surgeries, three years in a row. First year total replacement, 22 weeks of rehab and a manipulation, still horrible swelling and loss of motion. Next year knee revision, again many weeks of rehab, loss of motion, muscle cramps and knee seizes. The 3rd year another total replacement.
More rehab, knee is always swollen to double size of other knee. This limits ability to bend. A friend told me about Astym treatment being used on her after her surgery. Talked with Dr. about trying this since nothing else was improving my knee. I was AMAZED! After the first treatment swelling started to go down. Every treatment after that has brought swelling down, my range of motion is great. I am so glad that I have done this and will tell others to try it also.
Roberta J. Taylor, Astym Patient
Clinic: Mid Nebraska PT & Sports Center