15 Feb Achilles Tendon Ruptured – Astym Got Me Back in the Gym!
I was racing my 5 year old cousin when my Achilles Tendon ruptured. Luckily, it was only a partial rupture, so I didn’t need surgery. Within the first couple of weeks of physical therapy, my therapist was using Astym treatment on me. It felt weird at first, but soon I was looking forward to it being used on me. My ankle and leg would feel so much better after the therapist did that.
It has now been 4 & 1/2 months since my injury & I have graduated out of physical therapy. I feel that Astym really helped me by shortening the time I was in therapy. I’m not 100% yet, but I’m ready to get back in the gym & complete my wellness goals. Knowledge of this treatment also gave me an opportunity to talk to a friend who had been injured & was receiving therapy too.
Melissa, Astym Patient
Des Moines, Iowa
Clinic: Athletico Physical Therapy