Astym Research and Reviews

Recently, the American Occupational Therapy Association hosted an educational webinar on Astym therapy and its positive impact on treating challenging musculoskeletal disorders seen in the practice of occupational therapy. Presenters included Thomas L Sevier, M.D., FACSM, Michelle Pasqualetto Milano, OTR/L, CHT, owner of Hand and Physical...

"Scar tissue formed after surgery or injury often ends up being painful and limiting movement for patients. Although there are a number of possible treatments, these options are expensive and often have only limited success. According to Drs. Michael Mont, Morad Chughtai, Jared Newman, and their colleagues, a revolutionary new approach is now available. Called Astym therapy, the new method works by stimulating the body’s own mechanisms of regeneration for soft tissues and re-absorption of scar tissue. Crucially, after treatment, patients report significant improvements in mobility and pain relief..."

Astym® therapy resulted from a groundbreaking research endeavor undertaken by a multidisciplinary research team including well-known scientists, therapists, and physicians, with support from major universities and hospitals. Astym Therapy Explained: In this Astym Research Project, the team had the unique advantage of being able to combine knowledge...

Astym therapy is the perfect solution for accountable care: it resolves common conditions faster and at less cost than other treatment options. In addition, it also resolves conditions that other treatments cannot. All this stems from its research base. Astym treatment is perhaps the only therapy...

Course Schedule

Wichita, KS | June 7-8, 2025 (RESERVED-CONFLUENT ONLY)

Camas, WA | June 7-8, 2025 (OPEN-LIMITED SPOTS)

Not a course near you? Sign up to never miss out on an Astym course near you or contact us to see if you qualify for on-site training to minimize time out of the clinic and travel expenses.


Blended Learning

Online work before live course

8 hours/day for in-person portion

6-10 hours to complete online work

Eligible for up to 29.25 CEUs



1:1 exams with instructors via Zoom

Access for 60 days

Up to 28 hours to complete

Eligible for up to 28 CEUs

The value of the Astym Certification remains the same whether a clinician has been certified through our hybrid learning experience or our online course experience. Both educational opportunities require intensive online training and interactive practical exams with an Astym Certified Instructor.