31 Mar Bye Bye Foot Pain, Thank You Astym Therapy
I have had difficulty and pain with walking/running for few years, and it got to the point where it was stopping me from doing my normal daily activities. After numerous doctor visits, and various treatments I still did not have the relief or answer to my problems. My foot pain stemmed from plantar fasciitis, tendonitis, over-pronation, and an old Achilles tendon injury I had suffered in my left foot/ankle. After finding what was causing me so much pain I directed my attention to stretching exercises, elastic support socks, and use of an arch support did not give me the relief I was searching for.
After going back to the doctor and expressing my frustrations, I was recommended to follow up with a physical therapist to consult and design a more specific exercise program. While at TOPS the evaluation covered multiple exercises for me to perform, that we much more advanced than what I had done prior. Dr. Brannon also included talked and introduced me to Astym therapy. I have been so very thankful and grateful ever since! It was amazing to me that after just one Astym treatment I noted the improvement I was searching for. I experienced a decrease in pain. After multiple treatments, I had finally gained control of my pain. But, through this I also discovered that I had a major increased functionality of my foot. Thank you TOPS for all you have done for me and getting me back even better!
Fran Brannon
Phoenix, Arizona
Clinic: TOPS Physical Therapy