31 Jul HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY Astym Therapy Helped My Hand Pain
I work in an extremely fast paced production facility. I grab and pinch material all day long. My hands would go numb in the evenings and throb at night. Years went by and I dealt with it, but the sleepless nights, constant pain, being a grouchy wife, mother, and co-worker finally led me to do something. I thought about finding a new job, even though I loved my job, but was unsure.
Once I started to receive Astym treatment I couldn’t wait to go. It was uncomfortable at first and I was skeptical. It was the good kind of pain. I went twice a week for about six weeks, then down to once a week. Two months later I still have occasional numbness and pain, but I am extremely HAPPY! Highly recommend.
Nicole McMickle
Huntingburg, IN
Clinic: Memorial Hospital