Magic! Astym Fixed My Shoulder Injury And Now Is Helping My Plantar Fasciitis

Magic! Astym Fixed My Shoulder Injury And Now Is Helping My Plantar Fasciitis

My first experience with Astym was a little over a year ago. While lifting mulch bags when doing gardening I injured my shoulder, so physical therapy was prescribed. After four or five sessions of traditional PT not a whole lot had changed. My range of motion was still limited and I couldn’t get comfortable at night to sleep. The therapist that had been working with me was out and I had a therapist that did Astym treatment on my shoulder. I’m thinking “Yeah right! Like this is going to work!” Well I’m here to say it was like a little magic fairy dust was sprinkled on my shoulder. After three or four sessions my shoulder was as good as gold!

I’m currently receiving Astym on my foot for plantar fasciitis. It started a year ago and I got special shoes with inserts, saw a podiatrist, had a cortisone shot (which did NOTHING) and wore a ‘boot’ every night for months. I went back to Physical Therapy ONE I went and requested ASTYM. My foot is feeling so much better and I expect to be completed with two more sessions. The therapists at Physical Therapy ONE are great! I am forever grateful for Astym and the Physical Therapy ONE therapists.

Georgia, Preschool Teacher
Portage, Michigan
Clinic:  Physical Therapy ONE

Course Schedule

Hutchinson, KS  |  March 8-9, 2025 (OPEN-LIMITED SPOTS)

Wichita, KS | June 7-8, 2025 (RESERVED-CONFLUENT ONLY)

Camas, WA | June 7-8, 2025 (OPEN-LIMITED SPOTS)

Not a course near you? Sign up to never miss out on an Astym course near you or contact us to see if you qualify for on-site training to minimize time out of the clinic and travel expenses.


Blended Learning

Online work before live course

8 hours/day for in-person portion

6-10 hours to complete online work

Eligible for up to 29.25 CEUs



1:1 exams with instructors via Zoom

Access for 60 days

Up to 28 hours to complete

Eligible for up to 28 CEUs

The value of the Astym Certification remains the same whether a clinician has been certified through our hybrid learning experience or our online course experience. Both educational opportunities require intensive online training and interactive practical exams with an Astym Certified Instructor.