23 Jul Oh, What A Relief It Is! Chronic Plantar Fasciitis Solved With Astym Therapy!
Limping into the gym locker room, I spotted a flier advertising a new treatment available in town that would treat plantar fasciitis. After suffering from and attempting to treat this for well over a year, I was anxious to try something else.
The medical doctor in town insisted on cortisone shots and was recommending surgery, and those were simply not an option. After several Astym treatments, the problem was solved on my right foot, but then my left foot developed plantar fasciitis. That foot is proving to be more problematic, but I was so relieved to have relief on my right foot, and I am certain my left foot will come around. I have also had Astym therapy to treat tennis elbow and back problems. I am a believer in its ability to not only treat, but to solve problems without drugs and surgery.
Gillette, Wyoming
Clinic: Momentum Physical Therapy