28 Feb Astym Therapy Fixed My Knee Pain And Got Me Back To Running
I’ve been a runner for about 5 years; going from hating running to doing a couple 1/2 marathons. Running was something I loved to do. Every morning I was up at 5 am to run before my day started.
My right knee started to become sore. I let it go for a while just thinking it would resolve on its own; before I knew it I could hardly drive, put on my socks or straighten my leg after it had been bent for a while. Finally, I went to an orthopedic doctor who did an MRI and found distal quadricep tendonitis and a small partial thickness tear.
He referred me to PT (which I thought was odd, as to how can therapy help a tear?) but I went and worked with a great therapist. She stated she wanted to try something called “Astym” therapy; I had never heard of this but figured she knows what she’s doing so I agreed to the treatment.
The day following my first treatment I had NO PAIN! It was incredible! No pain walking, crouching, putting on socks or walking stairs. I thought this treatment was a miracle. The following days after therapy there was a slight “tinge” I’d describe it as, but going to therapy twice weekly for about 6 weeks it got less and less. Astym along with the PTs suggested exercises worked a miracle on my knee.
I am now back to running. Trying to take it slow (which is so difficult to do) but not wanting that pain to come back as it seems unreal that it could be gone after how bad it had gotten. Astym definitely seems like a miracle treatment and something I would suggest to anyone with an injury similar to mine.
Whitney Violette, Astym Patient
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Clinic: Altru Rehabilitation Center