10 Sep What is Astym treatment? Astym Definition, Part II
Astym treatment is effective in resolving many soft tissue problems, including chronic tendinopathies, tendon pain, tendon injury, stiffness, restricted movement, limited function and other conditions associated with adhesions or scar tissue that can occur after trauma or surgical intervention. It is also quite effective on sprains, strains, and other acute and sub-acute soft tissue injuries.
Astym treatment often works even when other approaches fail. One of the main reasons for this is that Astym was designed to target the underlying cause of many soft tissue problems, rather than just trying to relieve symptoms. Here are some of the diagnoses where patients have demonstrated excellent clinical results when treated with Astym:
• Lateral epicondylosis, chronic lateral epicondylitis
• Carpal tunnel syndrome
• DeQuervain’s tenosynovitis
• Wrist sprain
• Plantar fasciopathy/heel pain/chronic plantar fasciitis
• Achilles tendinosis and chronic achilles tendinitis
• Shin splints
• Patellar tendinosis, chronic patellar tendinitis/tendonitis (jumper’s knee)
• IT band syndrome
• Chronic hamstring strain
• Joint contractures
• Overuse injuries
• Pain or loss of motion & function following surgery, trauma, or overuse injury
For a full listing of diagnoses that have been monitored and the outcomes (treatment results) tracked, click here.