12 Dec Post Knee Replacement – Astym Therapy Improved My Movement And Decreased The Scar Tissue
I had both knees totally replaced. The right in February 2016. It went so well and I recovered so quickly that I was able to go back to work in 2 months. I didn’t have much pain or swelling. The physical therapy went well also. I had the left knee done in Oct 2016 and thought it would go the same, but it didn’t. The left knee developed some scar tissue that made it difficult to get the degree of bending that I got with the right one. The physical therapy was tougher and more painful. My Therapist, Ella Bule, was great. She started doing Astym therapy to help the scar tissue to loosen so I could get that better range of motion. After the 1st session I was in a lot of pain, but it was a good pain. I could feel it working the next day. I had 6 treatments and I was able to be released from physical therapy because the Astym treatments helped me reach my degree goal.
Caroline O’Brien
Gastonia, North Carolina
Clinic: Carolina Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Center