22 May Astym Resolves ACL Injury And Helps Avoid Another Surgery
My daughter Kimberly tore her right ACL while playing soccer in March 2012. She subsequently had ACL surgery on June 4th, 2012 with Patella tendon replacement. The first therapy center pushed Kimberly really hard and fast, and cleared her to run three months after surgery. Kimberly experienced a lot pain when running, which was partially attributable to an out of line condition that went undetected, plus being pushed hard to run too fast after surgery. By September, Kimberly’s knee had scar tissue and severe tendonitis, despite her ACL being solid and strong. As a result, we found another therapy center in October, which used ultra sound therapy along with other therapy techniques to reverse the damage to her tendons. While the new physical therapy center was able to make major improvements in Kimberly’s knee, she was still feeling pain and tightness anytime she attempted to run.
With all of that said, I just happened to meet a lady in my bible study named Kim Parks, Practice Coordinator for the Goddard Center, who shared with me some new innovative techniques being used by the Goddard Center to heal tendinitis and scar tissue. I immediately switched my daughter over to the Goddard Center, where she began Astym therapy administered by Dustin Montgomery. Within three treatments, Kimberly noticed major improvement in her knee.
Her condition went from pain while running, to being sore after running. She has had approximately 10 Astym therapy sessions thus far with Dustin and is now talking (and begging us) to play soccer again. While there is more to this story, the bottom line is that God lead us to the Goddard Center for a reason. We were at the end of the line, and considering another surgery when we discovered Astym therapy. I feel so blessed and thankful that Kimberly is finally healing. We can’t thank the Goddard Center enough and the folks who invented Astym therapy.
Linda, Mother of an Astym patient
Coppell, Texas
Clinic: Goddard Orthopedic & Sports Therapy Center