03 Jan Finally I Can Run Again! Astym Therapy Cured My IT Band pain
This last year in October I ran Chicago Marathon and then 2 weeks later I ran a half marathon and I started experiencing pain along the outside of my left knee. I knew it was my IT band that was flaring up but I kept going and finished the race. I rested for 2 weeks after that and ran a 10k race and at mile 2.5 it flared up again. It hurt so bad that I wanted to cry and stop but again I didn’t stop and finished the race. It felt like a knife was digging into the outside of my left knee. I decided to do rest it for a few week while icing it and stretching. After about a few weeks I had to start running again and met a group of friends for a trail run and again I made it 2 miles and I had to stop and stretch it. That was really embarrassing having to stop when I had just completed a marathon and a half less than a month before that.
I decided to call my good friend Dan McGrane at Accelerated Rehab Center (now Athletico) for some desperate help that’s where he recommend Astym therapy. The first few treatments gave me some relief from the tightness around my knee and it gave me some hope I would be back to running soon. After completing my Astym treatments I was able to go snowshoeing and start my running again with no tightness or pain! Any of your runners that can’t shake the IT band pain, I totally recommend it!
Lindsey, Runner
Cedar Falls, Iowa
Clinic: Athletico Physical Therapy