11 May Finally Some Relief! Astym Therapy Relieved Pain And Increased My Range Of Motion
I had a knee replacement in January 15 that did not go well causing constant pain and swelling requiring arthroscopy in June 15 to remove scar tissue. The joint was too loose and in Feb 17 I had to have a “Revision” or second replacement. Scar tissue has apparently been hindering my range of motion and causing increased pain.
Swelling remained a concern to my physician and my Physical Therapists. An Astym-Certified Therapist has treated me 7 times with Astym therapy. I believe it has helped with resolving scar tissue, swelling, pain and range of motion. It has also improved the plantar fasciitis pain on my right heel. Last weekend I was finally able to do some gardening, planting flowers and attend a festival. I can walk much longer and no longer need the electric cart at the grocery store. I will recommend it to my neighbor who is having on going problems with his Achilles tendon.
Delfina Tomaini, Astym Patient
Palm Coast, Florida
Clinic: CORA Health Services