Road To Recovery: Astym Gave Me Relief From Achilles Tendonitis

Woman Running outside at sunset on nice path.

Road To Recovery: Astym Gave Me Relief From Achilles Tendonitis

After several years of running, including training for half-marathons, I was diagnosed with Achilles Tendonitis. I developed calcification deposits due to scar tissue along with a tear in the tendon. I went through various treatments including ultrasound therapy, Topaz surgery and platelet injections, as well as rest and immobilization. After a year and a half, I still experienced pain pretty much every time I moved. I could barely walk, let alone run. I could only wear shoes that had an elevated heel and was told by two different doctors that I was going to have to live with the condition and limit my activities. Over time, my whole body was affected by the injury as I was always compensating for pain.

I asked my doctor if I could go to physical therapy for my tendon problem. I wasn’t expecting it to help the tendon itself, but hoped that it could help with the loss of range of motion and the over-compensation happening on the other leg. He gave me the physical therapy script and I set out to look for a good therapist.

I had read a little bit about Astym on the website at Accelerated Rehabilitation in Bloomfield Hills, MI (now Athletico Physical Therapy). I decided to give it a go as I had nothing to lose. My physical therapist, Sarah Giroux, was excited to use the Astym treatment on me, and I was excited to see a health professional that didn’t just write me off as incurable.

Within the first few treatments, I was feeling different. I acquired some more flexibility in the joint and was feeling less pain all together. As treatment progressed I started taking the heel lifts out of my shoes. I was walking farther and farther everyday and even started going down the stairs facing forward instead of sideways!

Upon completing my treatment, I am now running again. I am up to 4 miles now and getting stronger by the day. Along with running and hiking, I am taking dance classes twice a week. The pain I used to experience is gone and I am even able to walk barefoot, something I haven’t done in almost 2 years.

Astym has truly been a miracle. It has allowed me to once again enjoy the things I love and to live my life balanced and pain free!

Rachael, Recreational Runner and Dancer
Pontiac, Michigan
Clinic: Athletico Physical Therapy

Course Schedule

Hutchinson, KS  |  March 8-9, 2025 (OPEN-LIMITED SPOTS)

Wichita, KS | June 7-8, 2025 (RESERVED-CONFLUENT ONLY)

Camas, WA | June 7-8, 2025 (OPEN-LIMITED SPOTS)

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Blended Learning

Online work before live course

8 hours/day for in-person portion

6-10 hours to complete online work

Eligible for up to 29.25 CEUs



1:1 exams with instructors via Zoom

Access for 60 days

Up to 28 hours to complete

Eligible for up to 28 CEUs

The value of the Astym Certification remains the same whether a clinician has been certified through our hybrid learning experience or our online course experience. Both educational opportunities require intensive online training and interactive practical exams with an Astym Certified Instructor.