Unbelievable Success With Astym Therapy After Hand Surgery

Unbelievable Success With Astym Therapy After Hand Surgery

Medical term for injury is ORIF RF Metacarpal Fracture.

I broke my hand drilling a hole and the drill hung up causing my hand to twist hard and fast enough to break a bone in my hand. the break was severe enough that I had to have a plate and six pins to hold the bone together, and also ligament surgery in my wrist.

After surgery, the doctor that performed my surgery sent me to SERC in Warrensburg, Missouri. That is where the success started. My Therapist Sheila Grunewald OTR/L,CHT measured my limitations at 40 degree extensor lag @MCP and 30 degree extensor lag @PIP. I had scar tissue around the site that the doctor created to install the plate and pins. When I tried to straighten my hand, one finger just would not straighten up with the other fingers. Sheila got out these little blue tools and some kind of cream and started gently scraping around the scar area. After she was done with that I thought to myself, what was that supposed to do. It didn’t hurt, “my thoughts were no pain no gain.” The next day I tried to straighten my fingers and they all went to almost straight. My thoughts again “that’s weird, one day no good the next day straight. I must be GOOD.”

When I returned to SERC for my next therapy, Sheila said that the success was from the Astym treatment. She continued using the Magic blue tools and my finger now works like it did before the injury. I give credit First to Sheila and second to Astym therapy. Sheila was properly trained on this new treatment and knew where and how to use it. And Astym therapy is the most impressive thing I have been involved with in the medical environment. This treatment should be used at every military hospital worldwide!

Side Note: I am a 30 year Veteran with quite a bit of time and deployments in A Medical Career field.

Don Murphy, Veteran, Astym Patient
Warrensburg, MO
Clinic: SERC of Warrensburg

Course Schedule

Hutchinson, KS  |  March 8-9, 2025 (OPEN-LIMITED SPOTS)

Wichita, KS | June 7-8, 2025 (RESERVED-CONFLUENT ONLY)

Camas, WA | June 7-8, 2025 (OPEN-LIMITED SPOTS)

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