03 Jun What To Expect During Your First Astym® Treatment Visit
Your Astym Certified therapist went through intensive training to become an expert in treating soft tissue dysfunctions and scar tissue. With Astym therapy, you’re an active participant in your recovery. Here’s what to expect during your first visit:

First, they stimulate.
An Astym Certified therapist follows specific treatment parameters to initiate the healing process. They will glide instruments firmly along your skin, following the direction of the muscle, tendon or ligament. You will feel bumps as the instrument moves along your skin. These bumps are the defective soft tissue. The first couple of treatments may range from being only slightly noticeable to mildly uncomfortable — but stick with it! As your body heals, those bumps will decrease and the area around your old injury will smooth out nicely, indicating healing. There also may be some mild bruising in the area being treated, but don’t worry! That is one indication that the body is hard at work, absorbing the old tissue and laying down healthy new tissue.
Then, you stretch and strengthen.
It’s up to you to guide how your body heals. Your therapist will give you a customized stretching and strengthening program designed to encourage your body to heal correctly. Stretching tells the new fibers to line up properly, in nice parallel lines. Strengthening makes the fibers stronger, allowing your symptoms of pain and discomfort to go away.
And stay active!
We’ve found that if you continue to work, play sports or do your favorite activities while you are enrolled in Astym therapy, the tissue remodeling will occur in a way that supports these activities. The great news is that the Astym treatment allows you to participate in these activities without the pain you previously felt. By remaining active during the Astym process, your old injured area will become stronger.
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